Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band / Tokyo 1985 3rd Night / 2CD

Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band / Tokyo 1985 3rd Night / 2CD / Zion

Translated Text:
Live at Yoyogi Olympic Pool, Tokyo, Japan 13th April 1985


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Although the sound source items previously also of the 11th existed, now reached the current remains the absence of any item in Yoyogi performances LP and CD both until now of April 13 to be a ’85 of Japan three performances eyes was. But the same taper as the current of the 11th performances live on this day is also me to recording, to achieve the release of the first appearance sound source, yet audience master boasts the best sound quality. In fact this day of sound quality of sound is also quite nice, there is no marked so of complaint to the perfect sound quality that combines a rich clearness and on-sound image with a spread. There about ’85 Japan tour that showed the excitement of, it is about not help surprise and had been sleeping so much superb sound source on the day did not have any release until now in the.
Sometimes could not be complete recording of the live of the 11th (using two tape hence the 11th take is), taper has me captured from opening Good luck to live this day. Indeed, but cut at the point you’ve hit the sort chipping of the cassette had occurred, and compensation in a separate sound source circulated to them last year. I have realized the full inclusion of the long-awaited Japan tour the third day of live. Audience master used to edit is also very good sound quality, but still does not have enemies in stunning sound quality of this sound source. Compared to the 11th there are those that feel a little difference in sound quality, but it also of quality because of exceptional unleash the first appearance of the sound source this time.

Well, Springsteen who finished the first of two times of the stage in Tokyo will be carrying out the live of the third day across the off day, ran the change of massive set list. Still difficult to anyhow wall of language, disappeared a song that requires finally long narrative from the fact that, it was removed from the also set Japan has a low profile in songs such as “Trapped”, which has been playing in the 11th result, it I am calm and to short configuration of live than to. Also only on this day in part to play songs from “NEBRASKA” provided to live the first half, “Reason To Believe” played, that was played on behalf of the usual “Johnny 99” was delighted the audience. How can that not even imagine from now, anyway, since “BORN IN USA” Japan is that with a fire in, is what it was well heard in those days that gloomy “NEBRASKA” a even in ’85 from the fact that the previous album . Because it was too bubbly upsurge as well as “THE RIVER”, ordinary OL is that buy the “NEBRASKA” It was obvious.
The thing to ask of you, but is also known from, this time Japan tour of the big climax is when the album of songs since the beginning of the 1980s was played, it is the song from the smash hit “BORN IN ~” and to become it’s tremendous thing. If when it was overseas to say that the rise in the songs from past albums such as “BORN TO RUN” and “DARKNESS ON THE EDGE OF TOWN”, here in Japan specific that go up the most cheers with songs from “BORN IN ~” please try to taste the sense of realism. Not only wall of language, is such a unique climax also ’85 Japan tour unique.

By the way in the “BORN IN ~” tour is also the time when large change that remain to live history of Springsteen has occurred. His live, but to finish in the Rosie thing “Rosalita” had become annual, that it was dropped from the repertoire in the middle of the ’84 tour I was surprised the fans. As it is now that you have won a new fan in “BORN IN ~” is Springsteen, you might have wanted would be renewed the configuration of live. The posture since the beginning of ’85 but did not change, we are resurrected once in Australia tour that took place in front of the Japan tour. But as Springsteen would have had commitment, was until the 11th is no longer being played again penetrated its attitude.
But not only is English is difficult through land, and Will obviously is not suitable to play in front of Angkor “Racing In The Street” was get a feel that no shine even in Japan. Has resurrected “Rosalita” is again from this day. Again Springsteen live “Rosalita” I want concludes in … at the time is too strong image of this song, fans were rejoicing in the revival of Here I were many. You’ll be for me to actually feel it in this sound source. Live became the turning point of such a ’85 Japan tour, to achieve the release of the item by finally limited press CD. Our Kyoto performances similar to previous releases, but 85 years of “BORN IN ~” tour from 1984 Please enjoy the rare stage that it can be said that the heresy in the best sound quality. ’85 Japan tour of missing link is filled one at this!


さて、東京で最初の二回のステージを終えたスプリングスティーンは一日のオフを挟んで三日目のライブを行うに当たり、大々的なセットリストの変更を実行しました。やはり言語の壁がどうにもしがたい、ということから遂に長い語りを要する曲が姿を消し、11日に演奏していた「Trapped」のような日本で知名度が低い曲もセットから外した結果、それまでよりも短い構成のライブへと落ち着いています。またライブ前半に設けられた「NEBRASKA」からの曲を演奏するパートではこの日に限って「Reason To Believe」演奏、いつもの「Johnny 99」に代わって演奏されたことが観客を喜ばせました。今からは想像もつかないことですが、とにかく「BORN IN USA」で火が付いた日本ですので、その前のアルバムということからあの陰鬱な「NEBRASKA」ですら85年当時にはよく聴かれたものです。あまりにバブリーな盛り上がりでしたので「THE RIVER」だけでなく、普通のOLが「NEBRASKA」を買い求めるのが当たり前でした。
そのことからも窺い知られるのですが、この時の来日公演は80年代に入ってからのアルバムの曲が演奏された際の盛り上がりが大きく、それが大ヒット「BORN IN~」からの曲になるとそれは凄まじいものです。海外でしたらば「BORN TO RUN」や「DARKNESS ON THE EDGE OF TOWN」といった過去のアルバムからの曲で盛り上がるというのに、ここ日本では「BORN IN~」からの曲で一番歓声が上がるという特異な臨場感を味わってみてください。言語の壁だけでなく、そんな独特の盛り上がりも85年の来日公演ならではです。

ところで「BORN IN~」ツアーではスプリングスティーンのライブ史上に残る大変革が起きた時期でもあります。彼のライブはロージーこと「Rosalita」で終わるのが恒例となっていましたが、84年ツアーの途中でレパートリーから落とされたことは世界中のファンを驚かせたのです。スプリングスティーンとしては「BORN IN~」で新たなファンを獲得した今となっては、ライブの構成を一新してしまいたかったのかもしれません。85年に入ってからもその姿勢は変わりませんでしたが、日本公演の前に行われたオーストラリア・ツアーで一度復活しています。しかしスプリングスティーンとしてはこだわりがあったのでしょう、再び演奏されなくなって11日まではその姿勢が貫かれました。
しかし英語が通じにくい土地であるばかりか、明らかにアンコール前で演奏するのに向いていない「Racing In The Street」が日本ではさらに映えないことを感じ取ったのでしょう。この日から再び「Rosalita」が復活しています。やはりスプリングスティーンのライブは「Rosalita」で締めくくってほしい…当時はこの曲のイメージがあまりに強く、ここでの復活に歓喜したファンは多かったのです。実際に今回の音源でそれを感じてもらえることでしょう。そんな85年日本公演のターニング・ポイントとなったライブ、遂に限定のプレスCDによるアイテムのリリースが実現します。当店が以前リリースした京都公演同様、1984年から85年の「BORN IN~」ツアーでは異端と言えるレア・ステージを極上音質でお楽しみください。85年来日公演のミッシング・リンクがこれで一つ埋まります!

Disc 1 (78:02)
1. Born In The USA 2. Prove It All Night 3. Darlington County 4. Reason To Believe
5. Atlantic City 6. The River 7. Out In The Street 8. Glory Days 9. The Promised Land
10. MC 11. My Hometown 12. Badlands 13. Thunder Road

Disc 2 (74:41)
1. Cover Me 2. Dancing In The Dark 3. Hungry Heart 4. Cadillac Ranch 5. I’m On Fire
6. No Surrender 7. Bobby Jean 8. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight) 9. Born To Run
10. Ramrod 11. Twist And Shout / Do You Love Me


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