Bob Dylan / Desert Trip 2016 Weekend 2 / 2CD

Bob Dylan / Desert Trip 2016 Weekend 2 / 2CD / Zion

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Live at Empire Polo Grounds, Indio, CA. USA 14th October 2016


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Not only the Rolling Stones, our Bob Dylan also will release the latest stage of the “DESERT TRIP” festival. However, unlike the Stones, Dylan released at a press CD of limiting the second week of the stage. It “Do only why the second day?” Might take a guess if the mania. The difference between the current festival other performers, Dylan we have completely changed the situation in the first week and the second week. So, it is the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature. About finally has himself commented on winning, while the movement from that award announcement is controversial. As usual of Dylan clause even a place like this was the day-to-day, which exploded.
To begin with the Dylan of the stage from “DESERT TRIP” festival the first week has been sudden change, reversal from Sinatra cover collection large feature of the set list up to it, set list of yesteryear classics has made a large revival all over the world what surprised of mania. Bonus will vary from fashion, that what put the chest in the jacket to bare, surprised to suddenly attack posture in the age of the mid-70s. It might have been aware that gathered just maybe the artist should also referred to as allies of the Stones and Paul McCartney, such as the same generation.

If this is the second week, always has been up on stage without fogged also hat wore, before the finally at once rejuvenated looks “This is or 1986?” Because he was heard to voice that, how surprised what has been will understand. And example of the Nobel Prize was multiplied by the wheel. Dylan stage of the second week, “DESERT TRIP”, which attracted attention around the world in every sense began in the state of “attack” but in time. The song opening is after a long time of “Rainy Day Women # 12 & 35” is that Americans in the line of has been playing continuously in the first week, “everybody must get stoned!” Is a big joy. It as a beginning, “Do not Think Twice, It’s Alright,” “Highway 61 Revisited” and “It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue” masterpieces of the 1960s, such as the Zurari.
Just but even Sinatra cover previous show the first half of what had been constructed in just songs from the recent album, I am surprised in this sudden change the first time. Among them, “Highway 61 Revisited” listening to are the “rock Dylan came back” to it and seemed to such violence. Selection of music after a long time in the set list enhancement that significant reform was realized. In addition, such as looks that younger of Dylan, the most recent performance of aggressive Dylan so far, it might have took a further spur by the news of the Nobel Prize.

After a long time of “Make You Feel My Love” appeared even in the second half live. This song has won the constant position of the set list later. Furthermore, it will be played even until the “Desolation Row”. Anyway because the sound quality is very good, pleasing Dylan as the play progresses is listened to the point where you are playing a unique riff on the piano. More putting studying thoroughly, it was played this also after a long time, “Like A Rolling Stone”. This performance was pulled stunned the mania around the world, arrangements we thought and what is played in the future in really good feeling, it was a rhea revival that remained only on this day so far!
This day I mean that was a gorgeous set list, which is also played four songs convenience from the album “HIGHWAY 61 REVISITED” After all, Sinatra songs in the second half of the set in this after the show has revived a few songs. Luxurious set list of this day will shine even more and think so. The venue of the “DESERT TRIP” has been decorated with Jacquet giant display of “HIGHWAY 61 ~”, maybe Dylan might have to aware of it.
And Dylan Well done that to listen to from beginning to end tension enhance songs in top form. The best of the stage increased the lock index after a long time. It has been recorded in the audience recording captured by the stunning sound quality. – On the degree of sound image is, of course, such as the clearness with no attached so the complaint, it is no exaggeration to say that in both the quality and the content that it appeared the best titles of 2016 Dylan Live!

ローリング・ストーンズだけでなく、当店はボブ・ディランも「DESERT TRIP」フェスティバルでの最新ステージをリリースいたします。ただしストーンズと違い、ディランは二週目のステージを限定のプレスCDにてリリース。「何故に二日目だけか?」ということはマニアであれば察しがつくかもしれません。今回のフェス他の出演者と違い、ディランは一週目と二週目で状況が一変してしまいました。そう、ノーベル文学賞の受賞です。ようやく本人が受賞についてコメントしましたが、あの受賞発表からしばらくの動きは物議を醸すほど。こんなところでも相変わらずのディラン節が炸裂した日々でした。
そもそも「DESERT TRIP」フェス第一週からしてディランのステージは豹変しており、それまでのシナトラ・カバー集大フィーチャーのセットリストから一転、往年の名曲が大復活を遂げたセットリストが世界中のマニアを驚かせたもの。おまけにファッションまで変化してしまい、何と裸にジャケットで胸を出すという、70代半ばという年齢にして突如攻めな姿勢にはびっくり。もしかしたらストーンズやポール・マッカートニーといった同世代の盟友とも呼ぶべきアーティストばかりが集まったことを意識していたのかもしれません。

これが二週目になると、いつも身に着けていた帽子もかぶらずステージに上がっており、いよいよ一気に若返ったルックスを前に「これは1986年か?」という声まで聴かれたのだから、いかに驚かされたのかが解ります。それに輪をかけたのが例のノーベル賞。あらゆる意味で世界中の注目が集まった「DESERT TRIP」第二週のディラン・ステージはいつになく「攻め」な様子で始まりました。オープニングは久しぶりの「Rainy Day Women #12 & 35」が第一週に続けて演奏されており「everybody must get stoned!」のラインでアメリカ人が大喜びする曲。それを皮切りとして「Don’t Think Twice, It’s Alright」、「Highway 61 Revisited」そして「It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue」といった60年代の名曲がズラリ。
シナトラ・カバー以前でもショー前半は近年のアルバムからの曲ばかりで構成されていたものですが、この豹変ぶりには驚かされるばかり。中でも「Highway 61 Revisited」聴いていると「ロックなディランが戻って来た」のだと思わせるような激しさ。久しぶりに大幅な刷新が実現したセットリスト充実の選曲。さらにはディランの若返ったルックスなど、ここまでアグレッシブなディランの最新パフォーマンス、それはノーベル賞の報によってさらに拍車がかかったのかもしれません。

ライブ後半でも久々の「Make You Feel My Love」が登場。以降この曲がセットリストの定位置を獲得しています。さらには「Desolation Row」までもが演奏されます。何しろ音質が非常に良いので、演奏が進むにつれてディランがピアノでユニークなリフを弾いているところまで聴かれて微笑ましい。それ以上の極め付け、それがこれまた久々に演奏された「Like A Rolling Stone」。世界中のマニアの度肝を抜いたこの演奏、アレンジが実にいい感じで今後も演奏されるのかと思いきや、今のところこの日だけに留まったという激レアな復活だったのです!
結局この日はアルバム「HIGHWAY 61 REVISITED」から都合四曲も演奏された豪華なセットリストとなった訳ですが、この後のショーではセット後半にシナトラ・ソングが数曲復活しています。そう考えるとなおさらこの日の豪華なセットリストが輝きを放ちます。「DESERT TRIP」の会場には「HIGHWAY 61~」のジャケ型の巨大なディスプレイが飾られており、もしかしたらディランはそれを意識したのかもしれません。

Disc 1 (52:05)
1. Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 2. Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right 3. Highway 61 Revisited
4. It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue 5. High Water (For Charley Patton) 6. Simple Twist of Fate
7. Early Roman Kings 8. Love Sick 9. Tangled Up in Blue 10. Lonesome Day Blues

Disc 2 (38:28)
1. Make You Feel My Love 2. Pay in Blood 3. Desolation Row 4. Soon After Midnight
5. Ballad of a Thin Man

6. Like a Rolling Stone 7. Why Try to Change Me Now

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