Alcatrazz / Power Live / 1DVD

Alcatrazz / Power Live / 1DVD / Non label

Translated Text:
Live at Koseinenkin Hall, Tokyo, Japan 10th October 1984 PRO-SHOT


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Masterpiece of ALCATRAZZ, nay, one that may be the best masterpiece of Graham Bonnet Maybe death is the appearance in the press DVD! The other day, when it was reprinted “METALLIC LIVE ’84” of ALCATRAZZ the world’s highest quality, as “not a issued the video when it came to Japan with Steve Vai?”, It was visited from many people. Okay. Its tail feeling, you find carefully,. However, “POWER LIVE” that contains the visit to Japan of ALCATRAZZ2 time was not released at that time laser disk. Until now, it has been reprinted proven Japanese board laser disc of the “highest quality” from enthusiasts around the world. However, it is not what not …….
Having said that, “POWER LIVE” is also the same as official as “METALLIC LIVE ’84”? In DVD, pretty lousy quality. There is, you want absolutely somehow …. So, it is given the all-out, while being released at that time, to explore the VHS master of perfect state as much as possible. We finally found a satisfactory master, became a carry here to be reprinted in the press DVD. It became the this work of the master, VHS that mania in mania had treasured. It, and sent to the laser disk reprint series as well as overseas manufacturers, and one that I that was digitized at high quality as possible.
Resolution, stability, and storage stability, although the laser disc is VHS fall several stages, tape freshness of which became the master this time phenomenal. In fact, watching this film “Do also once did not play!?” It was a level of. To be honest, in the audience scene to wait for the curtain at the beginning, there is a distortion of the small traveling uneven screen upward (this is another, precisely because fate. This not even of the magnetic tape, laser disk is great), but it is also a few seconds story of. And from the curtain, it’s the all of the distortion is not perfect quality. To look for in this state master, that such …… or that you have spent so much effort, bitches of the production side aside, really picture quality and sound quality to be thin to laser disk. That’s one single guitar strings, cymbals shine, very beautiful to blonde Graham decided in the regent. Unless you are an expert has been your work of video relationship, you may and may not know the difference between a laser disc.

Yet so much of quality, true value of this work is on the other. Of course, it’s the content of the show. First above all, of the large-size-best condition enough to see rare even history on Graham! In came to Japan with Yngwie Malmsteen “METALLIC LIVE ’84”, but a misunderstanding of the “poor in live” in a song that was crazy exciting to remove I have spread, this time, the pitch is also the voice of growth is also really really It looks amazing. Exactly, it is the greatness that is comparable to RAINBOW Japan tour of 1980. After this let me hear every night, and …… it would have also been exceeded even Ronnie James Dio.
And, the other one point Steve Vai to defeat playing hard rock. Graham & Vai The combination of really really really, I great as miraculous. This is Graham who has played with classical guitar heroes in the mischief of history but, originally, he of sophistication to contemporary rock. However, buddy said that contemporary yet large hero of guitar in his career was the only Vai. And, even when viewed in super personality musician of Vai career, that of a super-personality was exploding in the hard rock format, only ALCATRAZZ and DAVID LEE ROTH BAND. To Unfortunately DLR BAND professional shots without any sound board, it was playing only songs of others in WHITESNAKE. To experience the official quality of live of the “Vai flow hard rock” is, we only have this work. While an ultra-than-personality each other each other, we are committed hit the “originally spear want music”. Oh yeah, is not mentioned even two people both now the “DISTURBING THE PEACE” to the favorite. The live performance version of the large sense of fulfillment, for it is also official quality is I of this work.
However, for those of Graham fans, Vai would be many people do not like us very much. To such people also want to seeing all means “Suffer Me”. It’s a large enthusiastically to compromise up to the audience to get off the stage, but how much the hot rock! Although there is also a voice that still derided as “there is no emotion in Vai guitar”, this video, if you experience this take, you should not be so. Hot hot play sore that does not lose to lock 70s, it is nothing more than lock soul !!
In addition, this work is also full of tricky charm of Vai. The studio panel “DISTURBING THE PEACE”, solo was even said to be a “synth not a?” Solo “God Blessed Video”, was reproduced in tapping the sweep phrase of Yngwie “Jet To Jet” and in songs, obbligato to impress upon him the personality is nothing other than Vai. Everything is just play, not shame the name of “large genius guitarist of the century”.
Finally, the PV also bonus recording of “God Blessed Video” of this work. This is also, ridiculously high quality! (Since entering also serif sound effects, such as the DLR BAND is definitely a PV version) sound quality, such as I think or “voice? Of the CD” is, of course, super image quality image quality is also not lose to it. Tapping of riffs and legendary guitar solo like stir the brain in stereo also ultra-than-brilliant! Soroshin the hand looks more to live is a must see !!

And large top form of Graham Bonnet, Steve Vai of hard rock mode. Also ahead even after, the official video so much talent was collide in ideal conditions only this work. And reprinted from the non-existent laser disc and did not go, but the currently available world finest quality is no doubt. If you were disappointed in the DVD of the general circulation, those who want to experience the co-star of the century of super personality in the best quality, it is a big decision board of press DVD that is not overlooked even like anyone. By all means, you also please enjoy the feast of genius genius!


ALCATRAZZの最高傑作、いや、もしかしたらグラハム・ボネットの最高傑作かも知れない1本がプレスDVDで登場です! 先日、ALCATRAZZの「METALLIC LIVE ’84」を世界最高クオリティで復刻した際、「スティーヴ・ヴァイと来日したときの映像は出さないの?」と、多くの方から訪ねられました。はい。そのお気持ち、よーく分かります。しかし、ALCATRAZZ2度目の来日を収めた「POWER LIVE」は、当時レーザーディスクでリリースされなかった。今までは、世界中のマニアから“最高品質”の定評ある日本盤レーザーディスクを復刻して参りました。しかし、ないものはないんですよ……。
そうは言っても、「POWER LIVE」も「METALLIC LIVE ’84」と同じように公式?DVDでは、かなりお粗末なクオリティ。そこは、どうしてもなんとかしたい……。そこで、総力を挙げ、当時リリースされつつ、可能な限りパーフェクトな状態のVHSマスターを探索。やっと満足のいくマスターを発見し、ここにプレスDVDで復刻する運びとなりました。本作のマスターとなったのは、マニア中のマニアが秘蔵していたVHS。それを、レーザーディスク復刻シリーズと同様に海外メーカーへ送り、可能な限りのハイクオリティでデジタル化した1本なのです。

それほどのクオリティでありながら、本作の真の価値は他にある。もちろん、それはショウの内容なのです。まずなにより、歴史上でも希に見るほど大・大・絶好調のグラハム! イングヴェイ・マルムスティーンと来日した「METALLIC LIVE ’84」では、豪快に外しまくった歌に「ライヴでは下手」との誤解が広がってしまいましたが、このときは、音程も声の伸びも実に実に素晴らしい。まさしく、1980年のRAINBOW来日公演に匹敵する凄さです。これを毎晩聴かせてくれたら、ロニー・ジェイムズ・ディオさえも超えられただろうに……。
そして、もう1点はハードロックを弾き倒すスティーヴ・ヴァイ。グラハム&ヴァイのコンビネーションは本当に本当に本当に、奇跡的なほど素晴らしいのです。歴史の悪戯でクラシカルなギター・ヒーロー達と共演してきたグラハムですが、本来、彼の素養はコンテンポラリーなロック。しかし、彼のキャリアでギターの大英雄でありながらコンテンポラリーと言える相棒はヴァイだけでした。そして、超個性音楽家なヴァイのキャリアで見ても、その超・個性をハードロックのフォーマットで炸裂させたのは、ALCATRAZZとDAVID LEE ROTH BANDだけ。残念ながらDLR BANDにはプロショットもサウンドボードもなく、WHITESNAKEでは他人の曲ばかり弾いていた。「ヴァイ流ハードロック」のライヴを公式クオリティで体験するには、本作しかないのです。互いが互いに超・超・個性的でありながら、“本来やりたい音楽”をぶつけ合っている。そりゃあ、2人とも今でも「DISTURBING THE PEACE」をフェイバリットに挙げるわけです。その大充実感の生演奏版、それも公式クオリティなのが本作なのです。
もっとも、グラハム・ファンの方には、ヴァイはあまりお好きでない方も多いでしょう。そういう方にも、ぜひご覧頂きたいのは「Suffer Me」。ステージを降りて客席にまで歩み寄る大熱演なのですが、その熱いロックといったら! 未だに「ヴァイのギターには感情がない」などと揶揄する声もありますが、この映像、このテイクを体験したら、そうは言えないはずです。70年代ロックにも負けない熱い熱い弾きっぷりは、ロック魂以外の何物でもない!!
また、本作はヴァイのトリッキーな魅力も満載。スタジオ盤「DISTURBING THE PEACE」では、「シンセじゃないの?」とさえ言われた「God Blessed Video」のソロ、イングヴェイのスウィープ・フレーズをタッピングで再現した「Jet To Jet」のソロ、そして全曲でヴァイ以外の何者でもない個性を叩き込むオブリガート。すべてが“世紀の大天才ギタリスト”の名に恥じぬプレイばかりです。
そして、本作の最後には「God Blessed Video」のPVもボーナス収録。これもまた、とんでもなくハイクオリティ! 「CDの音声?」かと思うような音質(DLR BANDのような台詞・効果音も入るので間違いなくPVバージョンです)はもちろん、画質もそれに負けないスーパー画質。ステレオで脳をかき回すようなリフや伝説的なギターソロのタッピングも超・超・鮮やか! ライヴ以上に手元が見えるソロシーンは必見です!!


1. Intro 2. Breaking The Heart Of The City 3. Jet To Jet 4. Skyfire 5. Sons And Lovers
6. Hiroshima Mon Amour 7. God Blessed Video 8. Will You Be Home Tonight 9. Kree Nakoorie
10. Since You Been Gone 11. Painted Lover 12. Suffer Me 13. Stripper
14. Too Drunk To Live, Too Young To Die 15. Kojo No Tsuki 16. Night Games
17. All Night Long 18. Grand Finale 19. God Blessed Video (Video Clip)

Graham Bonnet – Vocals Steve Vai – Guitars Gary Shea – Bass Jan Uvena – Drums
Jimmy Waldo – Keyboards


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